The Buzz About Taxes Disclaimer
Disclaimer About My Blog Posts
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Here are a few things I would like to clarify:
- We do not have an Enrolled Agent- Client Relationship. We could change that if you so wish. Contact Details Below.
- We cannot provide comprehensive advice on this blog, however well-researched or well-written.
- This blog is not meant to offer legal advice. You need to consult a tax professional for questions regarding your unique situations.
- This blog is not affiliated with my Enrolled Agent Practice, MN Tax and Business Services PLLC.
- I am not responsible for any comments on this blog except my own. So I request you to be civil & courteous. You can then expect the same treatment from me. Or else I reserve the right to delete your comment/s.
- The IRS requires me to give you a Circular 230 Notice: